The guide describes the reasons for separation anxiety and other separation-related problems, various ranges of symptoms and the basics of exercises designed to treat such problems. This text includes many practical tips and guidelines that you can use with your dog. This is one of the most concise and comprehensive information packages available on the subject and it is definitely worth reading...
Die Sozialisierung Ihres Welpen ist wichtig. Das Trennungstraining ist ein ebenso wichtiger Gegenspieler zum Sozialisierungstraining. Der Artikel enthält Informationen und praktische Tipps zur Welpen-Sozialisierung und zum Trennungstraining....
Die Erholung von guten und schlechten Stresserfahrungen des Alltags hat eine große Bedeutung für das ganzheitliche Wohlbefinden des Hundes. Die Erholungsbedürfnisse des Hundes sollten sowohl bei der Planung der Ernährung, der Bewegung, des Spiels als auch der sozialen Beziehungen des Hundes berücksichtigt werden....
A healthy and well-adjusted dog typically does not need mood medication to support learning to be alone, but in some situations, it makes sense to use medication when treating a dog's separation anxiety. Different medications have different effects and purposes, and they can also cause side effects. This article introduces the basics of medication for dog separation anxiety and considerations to keep in mind....
Im Alltag sprechen Hundebesitzer oft von Trennungsangst, aber nicht jedes Problemverhalten, das Hunde während des Alleinseins zeigen, ist Trennungsangst. Was ist Trennungsangst und wie unterscheidet sie sich von anderen Problemen beim Alleinsein? Wie geht man Probleme beim Alleinsein des Hundes an?...
Separation issues, especially separation anxiety, can cause dogs to destroy household items and furniture, as well as eliminate indoors. What causes this behavior and what can be done about it?...
What causes a dog's housebreaking problems? Becoming fully house-trained takes time, and it's completely normal for housebreaking skills to fluctuate during puppyhood. Adult dogs can have various reasons for housebreaking issues. Read on to learn how to start addressing the problem....
What should a new dog owner know when a new puppy comes home? How does the dog adapt and when can training begin?...
Dogs exhibit species-typical behavior, and different breeds also have tendencies towards certain types of behavior. Providing daily opportunities for dog-like activities may help with separation-related problems. Eating, going for walks, and spending time together all have an impact....
There may be some circumstances that mean you can't leave your dog alone. For example, trying to teach a dog to be alone will not work if the dog is scared or anxious. While not leaving your dog alone may sound challenging, there are many ways to make this work alongside your everyday commitments. ...
Digital Dogsitter is the best way to see what your dog is doing at home alone. It is an easy-to-use dog camera application that runs in a web browser. In addition to a direct video connection, it stores events and information for the day so you can return to them later and be able to track your dog’s progress from visual graphs....
With the help of Digital Dogsitter's video recording, you can find out what your dog is doing alone at home, and you can deal with possible problems at an early stage. The history view illustrates the development of the dog's separation training process with clear bar charts....
Digital Dogsitter is an online application and service that helps with dog separation anxiety and other separation-related problems. It listens for sounds through the device's microphone and can play owner's soothing voice to the dog when they bark. The application makes it easy to keep track of how much your dog makes noise....
Research shows that Digital Dogsitter® noticeably reduces dogs' vocalization while they are home alone....
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